NanoImage TEM Image Analysis Tool

NanoImage TEM Image Analysis ToolOverview NanoImage (, part of the Jaqpot Platform, offers tools for analysis of electron microscopy images of spherical particles and carbon nanotubes, allowing the user to derive descriptors for the materials directly from images, offering distinct advantage over manual procedures, in terms of speed and ability to represent the whole sample.…

Jaqpot Computational Platform for In Silico Modelling

Jaqpot Computational Platform for In Silico ModellingOverview Jaqpot is a computational platform for in silico modelling of chemical compounds, that provides both access to its services both over a User Interface (GUI) and an Application Programming Interface (API). It is a cloud-ready application that uses the benefits of Java, R and Python, having incorporated functionality…

NanoXtract: Nanoparticles Image Analysis Tool Powered by Enalos Cloud Platform

NanoXtractNanoparticles Image Analysis Tool Powered by Enalos Cloud PlatformOverview NanoXtract is a unique online tool for the calculation of image descriptors based on Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) images of NMs that was developed and made available through the Enalos Nanoinformatics platform. The tool can generate a set of 18 image descriptors that greatly enhance and…

Guidenano Tool

Guidenano ToolOverview The European Union FP-7 project GUIDEnano has developed a web-based guidance tool for users to apply the most appropriate risk assessment and mitigation strategy for NM-enabled products throughout their life cycle. The results obtained from the GuideNano project, as well as other past and ongoing projects and publications, have been incorporated into this…

EcoToxicological Laboratory Workflows

EcoToxicological Laboratory WorkflowsOverview The Ecotoxicology & Chemical Risk Group at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) is an important node within the European Nanosafety infrastructure providing expertise and facilities in support of ecological effect and risk assessment studies with nanoparticles including detection of toxicity and biodiversity effects in soils and surface waters.  CEH can…

Knowledge infrastructure supporting the physicochemical characterisation of nanomaterials (ACEnano)

Knowledge Infrastructure Supporting the Physicochemical Characterisation of Nanomaterials (ACEnano)Overview Edelweiss Connect offers a knowledge infrastructure which supports collection and sharing of physicochemical characterisation protocols, structured metadata and data. Currently, the knowledge infrastructure (KI) supports the activities related to data collection and method optimisation in ACEnano project and aims to further disseminate this knowledge to the…

Omics Data Analysis

Omics Data AnalysisOverview The NanoCommons Knowledge Base is based on the BioXM TM Knowledge Management Environment, a software developed over the last 15 years by Biomax Informatics AG and applied in multiple collaborative research projects and commercial environments. Within NanoCommons the following services are offered: Omics data analysis tools The following methods are currently available to…

NanoCommons Knowedge Base

NanoCommons Knowledge BaseOverview The NanoCommons Knowledge Base is based on the BioXM TM Knowledge Management Environment, a software developed over the last 15 years by Biomax Informatics AG and applied in multiple collaborative research projects and commercial environments. Within NanoCommons the following services are offered: Data management ensuring FAIR principles Particles ordering management Collaborative projects as…